
Anthroposophic Meditation - Courses with Agnes Hardorp and Thomas Mayer: In this video, we would like to tell you about Anthroposophical Meditation and our courses. We have been teaching Anthroposophical Meditation for 20 years, mainly in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and the Netherlands. More information and seminars in English-speaking countries.

Events: Anthroposophic Meditation Workshop and Lectures


U.S. Pennsylvania:

February 21 to 23, 2025 in Phoenixville, PA:
Anthroposophical Meditation Workshop - Connecting to your higher self

Led by Thomas Mayer and Agnes Hardorp. More information here.

Lectures by Thomas Mayer:
Living with the Deceased
Tuesday, February 25, 7.00pm - 9pm
Covid Vaccines from a Spiritual Perspective
Thursday, February 20, 7.00pm - 9pm



February 28 to March 2, 2025 in Mexico City:
Anthroposophical Meditation Workshop - Connecting to your higher self

Led by Thomas Mayer and Agnes Hardorp. English with translation into Spanish, More information here.



March 7 - 9, 2025 in Vancouver:
Anthroposophical Meditation Workshop - Connecting to your higher self

Led by Thomas Mayer and Agnes Hardorp. More information here.

Lecture by Thomas Mayer:
Living with the Deceased
Wednesday, March 5, 7.00pm - 9pm



March 14 - 16, 2025 in Duncan:
Anthroposophical Meditation Workshop - Connecting to your higher self

Led by Thomas Mayer and Agnes Hardorp. More information here.

Lecture by Thomas Mayer:
Living with the Deceased
Thursday, March 13, 7.00pm - 9pm


US California:

March 21 - 23, 2025 in San Francisco:
Anthroposophical Meditation Workshop - Connecting to your higher self

Led by Thomas Mayer and Agnes Hardorp. More information here.

Lecture by Thomas Mayer:
Living with the Deceased
Wednesday, March 19, 7.00pm - 9pm


Czech Republic:

June 6-8, 2025 in Prague:
Anthroposophical Meditation Workshop - Connecting to your higher self

Led by Thomas Mayer and Agnes Hardorp. English with translation into Czech. More information here.

LECTURE LIVING WITH THE DEAD led by Thomas Mayer takes place
on Thursday, June 5 from 6 to 9:3 p.m.
at the headquarters of the Anthroposophical Society in Hošťálkov 392/1d, 169 00 Prague 6 - Břevnov
The price is 300 CZK


Great Britain:

26 Sep - 28 Sep 2025 at Emerson College, UK
Anthroposophical Meditation Workshop - Conneting to the Angelic Realm

Led by Thomas Mayer and Agnes Hardorp. The flyer for the course is here.

More information, registration and accommodation and meals at Emerson College can be found here.

On Thursday 25th September, 7.30pm,
Thomas will give a lecture at Rudolf Steiner House,
London on “Conneting to the Angelic Realm”

More information here.


Anthroposophical Meditation - Courses in English

Connecting to your higher self:
How do I come into a meditative deepening that connects me to my own spiritual source?

In this course we will become familiar with Rudolf Steiner`s approach to meditation which meets the western mind quite differenty from many forms of meditation originating in the east. The work always involves a heightening of consciousness, becoming more awake through the focus on an object, an inner picture, or a text before releasing this and seeing what "wants to happen". This has a very rejuvenating and empowering effect. The aim of this introductory course is connecting to your higher self. For this we will do many different exercises, always followed by a sharing of our experiences. On Saturday afternoon we will go out into nature and practice perceiving the elemental beings at work there.

Many people would like to make meditation a solid part of their daily life. Meditation is a fundamental souce of nourishment for body, soul and spirit. But this is not easy if you are on your own with it. Agnes Hardorp and Thomas Mayer have been offering courses in meditation since 2004 in order to help people overcome their obstacles.

In the course we aim to find the „eye of the hurricane“. In meditation you find a place of inner quiet. You become centered and enlivened. Meditating regularly helps you with the challenges of everyday life. The constant inner dialogue and the worries that circle around in your head stop. Essential things come into focus. In meditating you arrive deeply in the home of your own soul and wake up to subtle, supersensible spheres. In the course we explore many facets of meditation and do many types of exercises so that each person can find their point of access.

Agnes Hardorp was born in Hamburg, Germany and grew up in the United States. She has worked as a professional singer, voice teacher, pianist and eurythmist. Since 2004 she has been teaching courses in Anthroposophical Meditation all around Germany, Switzerland, Holland and Austria together with Thomas.

Thomas Mayer was born in Kempten, Germany. He was co-founder and director of „More Democracy“, an association to further direct democracy or participatory politics, particularly through the vote of referendum. Thomas has organized many local referendums in Germany. He organized a referendum in Switzerland called „sovereign money“ that was voted on in 2018 regarding the question of who should have the right to create money, private banks or public institutions? He has published three books on elemental beings/nature spirits and books about the spiritual effects of the covid vaccine and the background of the war in the Ukraine. Since 2004 he has been teaching meditation together with Agnes.


Feedback from participants:

Christoph: „Your work enlivened and refreshed me and showed me a way back to the anthroposophical roots I had painfully left many years ago.“

Annette: „ I want to heartily thank you again for the wonderful dense seminar that brought everyone very close. I found a new loving connection to meditation and think I will be able to stick with it better now.“

Daniela: „ The last seminar fell for me into a time of great questions and insecurity about my job. Since then everything has turned out the best possible way and I knew, already during the weekend that your seminar, the people I met there, the experiences and the assistance from the spiritual world that had become possible had much to do with this development.“

Ruth: „The weekend has warm and good resonances. I was particularly touched by your didactic method that with great empathy leads step by step into ever greater depths.“

Irene: „ What did I learn in the meditation schooling?
My life became more structured through meditating. I am more conscious and feel more connected to what wants to become. The sharing of experiences in the group is very enlivening right into my life forces. I notice more and more how I am guided and my questions are answered. My sense of self has transformed from wanting to understand the world to feeling embedded in becoming. What was important to me? The bringing down of Anthroposophy out of intellectuality into the heart.“

Anthroposophical meditation - course description

How do I achieve a meditative deepening that leads me to my own spiritual source? We learn to center ourselves and to wake up on more subtle, spiritual levels.

The course consists of practical exercises and subsequent sharing of our experiences. We work from the basis of Anthroposophy given by Rudolf Steiner who wanted to reconcile science, art and religion. Steiner saw meditation as the one activity where the human being is truly free, where he can make himself into a vessel for spiritual perception. The method consists in going through form and content before giving these up, it is quite different from most eastern inspired forms of meditation in this respect. The idea is always to become more awake, more conscious than everyday consciousness. This has been found to be one of the most therapeutic things one can do for oneself. It has ripple effects all the way down into the mundane aspects of life. These become ordered in a new way, obeying more directly the laws of one`s higher self. This is truly empowering and invigorating too.

We want to make meditation practical and attractive. Our course addresses both beginners without prior knowledge as well as people with experience. The exercises consist of concentration on objects, contemplation of sentences and texts, visual meditations, backward review of the day, perceiving the aura and the chakras. The goal is to facilitate a regular meditative practice and to give an experience of the different approaches to meditation so that everyone can find his or her own entry.

Why courses about anthroposophical meditation?

In anthroposophical circles one is generally left alone with the question of meditation. Everyone knows how hard it is to do simple exercises over a longer period of time. Even though Rudolf Steiner clearly placed meditation at the center of spiritual development, our inaptitude is often glossed over in this domain. It is one of the least practical and most difficult to grasp aspects of Anthroposophy. To get a grip on it means to build an instrument with which to experience the spiritual world directly and to have your own spiritual experiences. As modest as these might seem in the beginning, these are nevertheless the heart of anthroposophical work. We want meditation to become so attractive that a day without meditation is perceived as a day with a tangible void.

Meditation is the heart of the anthroposophical path of schooling. The whole of Anthroposophy originates in meditative, spiritual research. In meditation, one can develop the spiritual organs of perception that are necessary to experience spiritual beings. The human sheaths become ennobled and spiritualized through meditative exercises practiced over a long period. This leads to a more harmonious configuration of soul and more equanimity which acts beneficially on the surrounding social community. Without the progressive capacity to perceive angels and demons that work in social communities, we will in the future not be able to form a healthy social life. All of world evolution hinges on human beings being able to realize their cosmic role. In meditation we want to connect to the inner side of the world, we want to mingle with the whole world.

Many want to meditate but don`t succeed alone. With regard to anthroposphical meditation one finds almost no help, no exchange of experience, no trainings, hardly any courses. Whom can I talk with about how to meditate? What are the prerequisites? Which experiences can I have? What life experience is necessary that I progress in my meditative life? Which fears come up? How can I come to a diversified experience of the different spiritual regions and which trials do I encounter? If everyone just practices alone at home, there is great danger of getting stuck and giving up. On the other hand, exchanging ones experiences, receiving help and motivation, can release new energies and open up paths.

Other aspects of our courses:

Eurythmy brings us into movement and enhances the meditative work.
Connecting with elemental beings in nature
We generally spend the afternoons outside to connect with nature spirits and the etheric world through different methods developed by geomants. Today most people have more abilities than they are aware of.

The Alexander technique
The Alexander technique frees the neck, connects one to the surrounding etheric space and helps sustain a good body posture during meditation. We work on it as a group and Agnes will give those interested one on one sessions.

Rudolf Steiner about meditation:

Rudolf Steiner`s great deed was to never dismiss thinking but to salvage the real treasure that thinking gives us when we pick up the reins ourselves and are not just "having" thoughts or "being" thought. Steiner`s own words in chapter one of "Knowledge of the Higher Worlds":
"This tranquil contemplation must become a natural desire of life for the esoteric pupil. He must develop a living feeling for this peaceful activity of thought. He must learn to love what streams to him from spirit. Soon he will stop finding this world of thought as something less real than the everyday things that surround him. He starts treating his thoughts like the things in space. And then the moment nears where he feels that which reveals itself to him in quiet contemplation to be much higher, much more real than the things in space. He learns that life speaks through this world of thought. He recognizes that thoughts are not mere shadows but that hidden beings speak to him through them. Before only his ear received tones. Now it tones through his soul. An inner speech - an inner word - opens up for him. The pupil feels blessed in the highest degree when he first experiences this moment. An inner light is poured over his whole outer world. A second life begins for him. The stream of a godly, a blessed world pours through him. Such life of the soul in thought that ever grows to a life in spiritual being, Gnosis and occult science calls meditation (contemplative thinking). This meditation is the means to supersensible knowledge. Through such meditation a complete transformation happens in the occult pupil. He starts to form new concepts about reality. All things attain for him a new worth."

"When one begins to meditate, one accomplishes the only really free deed in this human life... we are completely free in this. Meditation is the archetypal free deed."  Rudolf Steiner (GA 214, 20.8.1922

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Lecture “Living with the Deceased”
Cooperation with the deceased and effects of materialism, vaccinations and drugs on the afterlife

We all live together with the deceased. The souls who are in spiritual regions support us from within with strength, love, trust and inspiration. The more we open ourselves to them and reciprocate their friendship, the better they can do this. Thomas Mayer has been in conscious contact with many deceased people for over 30 years and will talk about this in his lecture.

He will also describe how the normal after-death path leads to the next incarnation. Nowadays however, many souls can no longer find their way into the light, spiritual world, and end up in dead ends, in entangled unhealthy states. The materialistic approach to life, certain medications and also Covid vaccines can cause major blockages after death. In their distress, these souls then occupy other people, siphon off energy and cause spiritual, mental and physical difficulties and social strife. Thomas Mayer has been helping such deceased people for many years and has observed that energy blockages in places and houses, as well as depression, panic, fears or deep grief that people carry, have been released as a result. Such connections have so far been underestimated in the public consciousness. The good news is that we are not at the mercy of this. It is possible to help affected people and the deceased.

Thomas Mayer:
Answering the Call of the Elementals
Practices for Connecting with Nature Spirits

A glimpse into the unseen magical world of the elementals and how they are connected with humankind

Thomas Mayer reveals how he learned to develop his sense of perception and other supersensible abilities to make direct personal contact with the unseen world of the elementals. He shares his experiences with different elementals like fairies, dwarfs, and giants as well as the elemental world’s urgent call for help.

• Explores the hierarchy of elemental beings as well as Christ elemental beings, social elementals, and machine elementals

• Explains how elementals inhabit the etheric space that houses our emotions, feelings, and thoughts and how they carry the emotional level of the world

• Shows how the author learned to make personal contact with the elementals and shares his experiences as well as the elemental world’s urgent call for help

We all live in the realm of elemental beings. They permeate our souls, our thoughts, our feelings, and they co-create the world around us, yet we are often completely unaware of them. They, however, are eager to be perceived and acknowledged by us because their future and ours are fundamentally connected.

Elementals act as carriers of the emotional level of the world, and Thomas Mayer reveals how he learned to develop and fine-tune his sense of perception to make direct personal contact with them. Providing insight into the elemental hierarchy, from the low workers to the masters and the elemental kings, he portrays Christ elemental beings, social elementals, and machine elementals as well. He also explores the adversarial forces like Lucifer and Ahriman that access the elemental world through the subconscious of humans and seek to destroy our elemental friends.

Through sharing his encounters with fairies, dwarves, giants, and others, the author reveals their urgent call for help, an entreaty to anchor the elemental beings again in the awareness of humankind through recognition, acknowledgment, and conscious connection. Let us support the elementals in their crucial, life-giving work, through which they in turn support us in preserving the Earth we live on.

More information is here.

On Google Books the book can be viewed.

Also at Amazon can be seen in the book.

Thomas Mayer: Answering the Call of the Elementals
Practices for Connecting with Nature Spirits
Innertraditions/Findhorn Press, 160pp, sold in bookshops.
Printed: ISBN 9781644112144

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Thomas Mayer:
Overcoming Fear - Exercises for spiritual self-defense

Let’s work together to develop inner light and counteract the darkness!
Illustrated throughout in full colour, this booklet features 28 meditations and soul exercises to help develop courage and internal strength, supporting our inner being and spiritual self. The meditations can aid in clearing out emotional space and illuminating our thinking – strengthening health, bringing healing to dark impulses and assisting us in integrating death as an important part of life. They are also a contribution to easing the tensions felt in the collective consciousness during this time of multiple global crises.
In the concluding chapter, the author puts the spiritual struggle underlying the coronavirus crisis into perspective, based on concepts from the research of Rudolf Steiner.

More information is here.

Book review on is here.

Thomas Mayer: Overcoming Fear
Exercises for spiritual self-defence
96 pp (full colour throughout), sold in bookshops, £12.99
Printed: ISBN 978 3 910465 02 2

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Thomas Mayer:
Covid Vaccines from a Spiritual Perspective -
Consequences for the Soul and Spirit and for Life after Death

Vaccination is a topic that has long divided opinion. Today, in view of Covid-19, that debate has become ever more polarized.
Illustrated throughout with full-colour images, Covid Vaccines from a Spiritual Perspective deals with scientific facts, but also with research that requires spiritual-scientific methods. Led by main author and activist Thomas Mayer, the volume features reports, experiences and commentary from more than fifty contributors with clairvoyant and psychic abilities. From their observations, it is argued that Covid vaccines are not ‘harmless jabs’, but potentially violent interventions in the subtle structures of the human body, soul and spirit. The vaccines even have implications for an individual’s life beyond death. Instead of the soul evolving in the afterlife, it could remain bound to the earth and suffer deeply.
Although this book’s conclusions may appear alarming, it is not the author’s intention to create fear. He seeks only to provide useful information and enlightenment, demonstrating how vaccinated and unvaccinated people can deal with this subject consciously, courageously and with hope for the future.

More information is here.

A reading sample is here.

A book review by Harrie Salman: Spiritual help after the vaccination

A book review by David Masters: Exploring COVID Vaccines from a Spiritual Perspective: A Thought-Provoking Journey by Thomas Mayer

On Google Books the book can be viewed.

Also at Amazon can be seen in the book.

Thomas Mayer: Covid Vaccines from a Spiritual Perspective
Consequences for the Soul and Spirit and for Life after Death<
392 pp (full colour throughout), sold in bookshops.
Printed: ISBN 978 3 910465 00 8, Ebook: ISBN: 978 3 910465 01 5

For a more in-depth look at helping the dead, I recommend this book: Bridges Between Life and Death from Iris Paxino.

Corona Vaccination Processing

In the book "Covid Vaccines from a Spiritual Perspective" I describe the negative spiritual effects of mRNA vaccinations. In this book there are many ways of processing a vaccination and protection from passive vaccination (shedding).

For spiritual healing on vaccination or covid disease, you can contact my colleagues in English:
- Frank Burdich
- Inessa Burdich

The healing principles are:

1. the soul processing of the feelings and social pressure that led to the vaccination.

2. the inward revocation of the signatures on the vaccination consent forms. These can work like a spiritual contract with the beings behind the vaccinations.

3. spiritual healing, transforming and detaching the vaccination spirits in one's aura. Many suggestions are made in the above books.

4. supporting remedies that help after active vaccination and to protect against passive vaccination (shedding). However, these are usually not enough without your own spiritual healing steps. We have had positive experiences with the following remedies:

- Herbal tinctures: artemisia annua, cardoon root, pine needle and dandelion. These can be mixed together and then taken, for example, 10 drops each in the morning and evening.

- Homeopathic vaccination support with nosodes and individual medications by a homeopath.

- Protection 2022 globules (Schutz 2022 Globuli) provides shielding as well as discharge of spiritual effects of covid vaccinations. The globules should be carried as close to the body as possible, e.g. in the pocket of the pants. By wearing them, a protective shell is formed around the physical and subtle body and the discharge etc. is supported. Purchase at:

- BALDRON Mistletoe Tree Essences: The VAXXI Set is a special set of three supportive essences, where one is used morning-lunch-evening. Purchase from:

- Radionic compounds from "Balance V Globules 1.3g" for inoculation processing and "Balance S Globules 1.3g" for shedding protection. The globules are to be carried as close to the body as possible. There are also larger quantities for ingestion.

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